name: image layout: true class: center, middle, image --- name: image-white layout: true class: center, middle, image, image-white --- name: image-last layout: true class: center, middle, image, image-last --- name: ambiata layout: true class: ambiata --- name: ambiata-full layout: true class: center, middle, ambiata-full --- name: code-small layout: true class: code-small --- name: question layout: true class: center, middle, question --- name: rule layout: true class: center, middle, rule --- name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- name: starwars layout: true class: center, middle, starwars --- class: center, middle template: image
# How I learned to stop unit testing and love property-based testing --- template: ambiata-full # Charles O'Farrell # Ambiata --- template: starwars # A long time ago in a unit test # far, far away --- layout: false ## Once upon a time ```scala val json = """ { "name": "bob", "postcode": 7000 } """ val user = User("bob", 7000) parseJson(json) == user ``` --- ## Tedious ```scala parseJson(read("example1.json")) == user1 parseJson(read("example2.json")) == user2 parseJson(read("example3.json")) == user3 ``` --- template: image
# Manual labour --- template: question ## There's gotta be a better way? --- ## Getting warmer ```scala def inverse(user: User): Boolean = parseJson(toJson(user)) == user inverse(User("alice", 1000)) inverse(User("bob", 2000)) inverse(User("charles", 3000)) ``` --- template: question ## What if we could generate a User? --- ## Magic? ```scala summon { user: User => parseJson(toJson(user)) == user } ``` --- template: image class: middle, relative
# ScalaCheck 101 --- ## Gen ```scala trait Gen[A] { def run(r: Random): Option[A] } object Gen { def string: Gen[String] } ``` --- ## Gen in Action ```scala def forAll[A](gen: Gen[A])(p: A => Boolean): Boolean forAll(Gen.string) { s: String => ... } ``` --- template: question ## Build your own --- ## Step 1 - Data ```scala case class User(name: String, postcode: Int) ``` --- ## Step 2 - Just add Gen ```scala object GenUser { def user: Gen[User] = for { name <- Gen.string postcode <- } yield User(name, postcode) } ``` --- ## So far so good ```scala forAll(GenUser.user) { user: User => ... } ``` --- ## Manual Composition ```scala forAll(???) { users: List[(Int, User)] => ... } ??? = Gen.list( Gen.tuple( Gen.Int, GenUser.user )) ``` --- ## Arbitrary ```scala case class Arbitrary[A](arbitrary: Gen[A]) object Arbitrary { implicit def ArbitraryString: Arbitrary[String] = Arbitrary(Gen.string) def arbitrary[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T] = a.arbitrary } ``` --- ## Arbitrary in Action ```scala def forAll[A](p: A => Boolean) (implicit a: Arbitrary[A]): Boolean = forAll(a.arbitrary)(p) forAll { s: String => ... } ``` --- ## Step 2 - Take 2 ```scala import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ object GenUser { def user: Gen[User] = for { name <- arbitrary[String] postcode <- arbitrary[Int] } yield User(name, postcode) } ``` --- ## Step 3 - Arbitrary ```scala object Arbitraries { implicit def UserArbitrary: Arbitrary[User] = Arbitrary(GenUser.user) } ``` --- ## Step 4 - Profit ```scala import Arbitraries._ forAll { user: User => ... } ``` --- ## Step 4 - Profit ```scala import Arbitraries._ forAll { users: List[(Int, User)] => ... } ``` --- ## Not magic! ```scala summon { user: User => parseJson(toJson(user)) == user } + Json json: OK, passed 100 tests. ``` --- ## Generators - Are an asset - Requires investment - Pay dividends - Called from other generators - Used in multiple properties --- ## Testing bug fixes ```scala def genUsername: Gen[String] = Gen.oneOf( arbitrary[String], // PROD-1234 - never again! Gen.const("null") ) ``` --- template: inverse class: evolution
# Evolution --- ## Let the healing begin ```scala trait List[A] { def headOption: Option[A] } ``` --- ## Crawling out of the swamp ```scala Nil.headOption = None List(1).headOption = Some(1) List(1, 2).headOption = Some(1) List(1, 2, 3).headOption = Some(1) ... ``` --- ## Umm, now what? ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.headOption =? ??? } ``` --- ## Rookie mistake ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.headOption =? (if (l.isEmpty) None else Some(l.head)) } ``` --- ## Echo ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.headOption =? (if (l.isEmpty) None else Some(l.head)) } trait List[A] { def headOption: Option[A] = if (isEmpty) None else Some(head) } ``` --- template: question ## This calls for... --- template: image-white
# Patterns --- layout: false ## Patterns - Symmetry - Multiple paths - Induction - Invariants - Idempotence - Consistency --- template: inverse ## Symmetry --- template: image
# There and back again --- template: image-white
--- ## We've seen this before... ```scala forAll { user: User => parseJson(toJson(user)) =? user } ``` --- ## Data Structures ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.toStream.toList =? l } forAll { l: List[Int] => l.toVector.toList =? l } ``` --- ## Serialisation ```scala forAll { s: String => new String(s.getBytes) =? s } ``` --- ## Watch out for encoding! ```scala forAll { (s: String, c: Charset) => new String(s.getBytes(c), c) =? s } ``` --- template: rule ``` > ARG_0: "돪" > ARG_1: windows-1252 Expected "돪" but got "?" ``` --- ## Files ```scala forAll { (s: String, c: Codec) => val f = File.createTempFile write(f, s, c) read(f, c) =? s } ``` --- template: question ## @mhibberd ## "Maybe you could test a relatively well known open source library and find a bug for something they have unit tests for" --- template: image-white
--- ## Joda ```scala import org.joda.time._ forAll { dt: DateTime => val formatter = DateTimeFormat.fullDateTime() val dt2 = dt.withMillisOfSecond(0) formatter.parseDateTime(formatter.print(dt2)) =? dt2 } ``` --- template: rule ``` Invalid format: "Sunday, September 22, 2148 9:08:08 PM ART" is malformed at "ART" ``` --- ## Bug or Feature? - - - --- ## Not quite bugs :( - Scala Json - Can't handle `null` - - [commons-csv]( - Uses \uFFFE for [disabling comments]( - [jscv]( - Is completely useless --- template: image
## Symmetry is your golden ticket --- template: inverse # Multiple Paths --- template: image-white
--- ## List ```scala forAll { l: List[Boolean] => l.partition(b => b) =? (l.filter(b => b), l.filter(b => !b)) } forAll { (l: List[Int], i: Int) => l.take(i) ++ l.drop(i) =? l } forAll { (l: List[Int], i: Int) => l.splitAt(i) =? (l.take(i), l.drop(i)) } ``` --- ## Aliases ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.size =? l.length } forAll { l: List[Boolean] => l.filterNot(b => b) =? l.filter(b => !b) } ``` --- ## Performance - Crazy Town ```scala def sum(l: List[Int]): Int = { var v = 0 l.foreach ( i => v += i ) v } forAll { l: List[Int] => sum(l) =? l.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) } forAll { l: List[Int] => quickSort(l) =? bubbleSort(l) } ``` --- template: ambiata ## Example in the wild ```scala def dayMinus(d: Date, i: Int): Date = { ... } forAll { d: Date => d.toJoda.fromJoda =? d } forAll { (d: Date, i: Int) => dayMinus(d, i) =? d.toJoda.minusDays(i).fromJoda } ``` --- template: rule ``` A counter-example is [Date(2004,3,1), 1] (after 1 try) 'Date(2004,2,28)' is not equal to 'Date(2004,2,29)' ``` --- template: inverse # Induction --- layout: false ## Induction ```scala Nil.size =? 0 forAll { (i: Int, l: List[Int]) => (i :: l).size =? (l.size + 1) } ``` --- ## Induction to the rescue ```scala Nil.headOption =? None forAll { (h: Int, t: List[Int]) => (h :: t).headOption =? Some(h) } ``` --- template: image
## Data is like an onion --- template: inverse # Invariants --- layout: false ## Collect them all ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => => i).size =? l.size } ``` ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.sorted.size =? l.size } ``` ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.reverse.size =? l.size } ``` --- ## Invariants ```scala forAll { l: List[Int] => l.filter(_ => true) =? l } forAll { l: List[Int] => l.filter(_ => false) =? Nil } forAll { l: List[Int] => => i) =? l } ``` --- ## Idempotence ```scala forAll { s: String => s.distinct.distinct =? s.distinct } forAll { s: String => s.sorted.sorted =? s.sorted } ``` --- ## Consistency ```scala forAll { (s1: String, s2: String) => val f = File.createTempFile write(f, s1) write(f, s2) read(f) =? s2 } ``` --- template: image
## The same patterns everywhere --- template: inverse # "Real World" --- layout: false ## Symmetry ```scala forall { u1: User => for { id <- UserDB.insert(u1) u2 <- UserDB.get(id) } yield u2 =? Some(u1) } ``` --- template: rule ``` Expected Some(User(\NULL)) but got Some(User()) ``` --- ## Symmetry + Invariants ```scala forAll { (u1: User, u2: User) => for { i1 <- UserDB.insert(u1) i2 <- UserDB.insert(u2) u3 <- UserDB.get(i2) } yield u3 =? Some(u2) } ``` --- template: rule ``` User with name already exists > ARG_0: User("bob") > ARG_1: User("bob") ``` --- ## Symmetry + Invariants ```scala forAll { (u1: User, u2: User) => != ==> for { i1 <- UserDB.insert(u1) i2 <- UserDB.insert(u2) u3 <- UserDB.get(i2.get) } yield u3 =? Some(u2) } ``` --- ## Invariants ```scala forAll { (u1: User, u2: User) => for { i1 <- UserDB.insert(u1) i2 <- UserDB.insert(u2.copy(name = } yield (i1.isDefined, i2.isEmpty) =? (true, true) } ``` --- ## Symmetry + Multiple Paths ```scala case class UniqueUsers(list: List[User]) forAll { users: UniqueUsers => for { _ <- users.list.traverse(u => UserDB.insert(u)) u <- UserDB.listSortByName } yield u =? users.list.sortBy( } ``` --- template: inverse ## Is it too slow to run 100 times? --- ## Minimum tests ```scala forAll { users: List[Users] => runHadoopOhGodItsSlow(users) =? users.groupBy( .mapValues(_.sortBy(_.postcode)) }.set(minTestsOk = 3) ``` --- ## Not perfect but... - Still better than hard-coded tests - Can increase number locally - Separate build with different sizes - Need to think harder about your code! --- template: inverse # TDD --- ## Spot the bug ```scala case class User(name: String, postcode: Int) def user: Gen[User] = for { name <- arbitrary[String] postcode <- arbitrary[Int] } yield User(name, postcode) forAll { user => UserService.add(user) } ``` --- template: rule ``` Invalid postcode > ARG_0: User("bob", -1) ``` --- ## Documentation is awesome ```scala object UserService { /** * Adds a user. * * Fails if the postcode is negative. */ def add(user: User): Unit } ``` --- ## Business Rules ```scala def genPostcode: Gen[Int] = Gen.choose(1, 9999) def genUser: Gen[User] = for { n <- arbitrary[String] p <- genPostcode } yield User(n, p) ``` --- ## But what about? ```scala object UserService { def findByPostcode(postcode: Int): List[User] } ``` ```scala forAll { p: Int => UserService.findByPostcode(p) } ``` --- template: question # Type Driven Development --- ## Be Precise ```scala class Postcode private(val value: Int) extends AnyVal object Postcode { def fromInt(i: Int): Option[Postcode] = if (i > 0 || i < 10000) Some(new Postcode(i)) else None } ``` --- ## Types with Benefits ```scala case class User(name: String, postcode: Postcode) def findByPostcode(postcode: Postcode): List[User] def genPostcode: Gen[Postcode] forAll { p: Postcode => UserService.findByPostcode(p) } ``` --- ## Types are cheap ```scala case class User(name: UserName, postcode: Postcode) case class UserName(string: Name) ``` --- template: image
--- ## Replace free variables ```scala def testHeadOption() { List("bar").headOption =? Some("bar") } ``` ### With ```scala forAll { s: String => List(s).headOption =? Some(s) } ``` --- ## One of two errors - Bugs - Imprecise type ## Also makes you think! --- template: image
## Types for everything --- template: inverse ## This talk is not about Scala --- ## Java ```java @Theory public void testAddition( @ForAll int a, @ForAll int b) { assertEquals(a + b, b + a); } ``` --- ## Javascript ```js'Addition', // NOTE: No arbitrary - manual gen [,], function(a, b) { (a + b).should.equal(b + a) } ) ``` --- template: ambiata ## Ambiata - We have a majority of property-based tests - Our default - Need a compelling reason to write unit tests --- template: image
--- layout: false ## Links - John Hughes - "Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane" - - Jessica Kerr - "Property-Based Testing for Better Code" - - "Choosing properties for property-based testing" - - -